HomeOxford studentsGuide to registration
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- Step-by-step Instructions
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An essential part of being a student of the University is the annual completion of registration using Student Self Service. Click on the 'Access Student Self Service' button on the right-hand side of this page.
Why you need to register
You must be registered in order to:
- Attend your course
- Allow the University to send confirmation of your (re)enrolled student status to the UK Student Loans Company (SLC) or your sponsor/awarding body so they can release your maintenance loan and tuition fee loan (where appropriate)
- Check you have been correctly entered for any examinations and assessments
- Gain access to your results when they are released
- Obtain your University card
- Print an Enrolment Certificate
- Ensure that you are exempt from paying Council tax
When you need to register
You must register once a year, at the anniversary term in which you started your current course.
The University registration periods are:
- Michaelmas term: 1 September - 16:00, Friday of Week 1
- Hilary term: 1 January - 16:00, Friday of Week 1
- Trinity term: 3 April - 16:00, Friday of Week 1
Requirements to register as a new student
You must have:
- Accepted your offer of a place
- Met the conditions of your offer (academic and financial)
- Returned your UniversityCard Form
- Received by email your University Single Sign On (SSO) IT details and activated your account. Your Single Sign On (SSO) will be in this format: abcd1234
Maintaining your record
It is your responsibility to update your personal information and contact details throughout your studies at the University of Oxford using Student Self-Service. You will be able to update these details at any time throughout the year. This is a legal requirement for international students holding a visa to study in the UK.
As a continuing student for Year 2 and beyond, you will be sent an email reminding you to complete your own registration using Student Self-Service when the registration period opens.
The registration timeline
Completion of Conditions Letter and University Card Form
This letter will include a form for your University Card. You will be asked to complete and return this form as soon as possible as a condition of your enrolment. A student record can only be created for you when your card form has been received and processed.
Card Processing times:
The Card Office only processes Card forms in the lead-up to the relevant term starting. Processing begins in July for Michaelmas starters; in mid-December for Hilary starters, and in late-March for Trinity term starters.
IT Details and your SSO Activation email:
You will only be able to access your University email account and complete online registration once you have activated your SSO.
If you are starting a new course at the University, you will be sent your IT activation code and log-in details by email once you have returned your signed Card Form and it has been processed.
Your login is called your Single Sign On (SSO). Your SSO is a string of 4 letters and numbers (e.g. abcd1234) that is unique to you and is the Oxford system for accessing a range of IT services, including Student Self-Service and your University email address.
Please note that if you have been at Oxford before, whether as a student or staff member, you will retain your original SSO.
Termly Registration window opens
Both new starters and continuing students will be sent an email when the registration period opens inviting you to register for the forthcoming academic year using Student Self-Service. You will receive this email at your University email address and must register before the Friday of Week 1 of term. When you log in to Student Self Service you will need to check your personal, contact, academic and other information, and confirm that you wish to be enrolled at the University of Oxford.
Deadlines for enrolment periods
The deadline for each enrolment period is Friday week 1 of term. Term dates can be found on the University’s Dates of Term page.
Completing your registration
If it is your first year of a new course, registration will consist of two steps: 1. online registration and 2. formal enrolment.
When you arrive in Oxford you will need to go to your college (or department if you do not have a college) for the final part of your University registration to be completed (step 2) and to be issued with your University card. If you are not in Oxford at any time during the registration period you must contact your college or department to ensure that the final step of the registration process is completed for you.
If you are a continuing student, you only need to complete your online registration (step 1) and do not need your college or department to complete step 2 for you.
If you have not registered you will be unable to access all the features in Student Self-Service. Once your registration has been completed, your student maintenance loans, tuition fee loans, and grants will be paid in accordance with your loan/grant agreement. You will also be able to log back into Student Self-Service to print your enrolment certificate as proof of student status.
The registration process
Click on the 'access Student Self Service' button on the right-hand side of this page. Login to Student Self-Service using your Oxford Single Sign On. You will need to check your personal, contact, academic and other information and confirm that you wish to be enrolled at the University of Oxford.
The University’s Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for Single-Sign On process requires you to sign in by entering your username (SSO) and a domain. It should be entered as: [emailprotected] (please note the capital letters).
You must complete all sections and click “finish” in order to complete your registration.
For students on the first year of a new course, registration and enrolment consists of two steps:
Step 1)
Log in to Student Self-Service using your Single Sign On (SSO) to confirmyourpersonal details. If you have not received or cannot remember your login details, please contactIT Services for help.If you are not taken directly to the registration prompt after clicking these links, please click on “My Student Records” once you are logged into Student Self-Service.
Please note that if you have been at Oxford before, whether as student or staff member, you will retain your original SSO, but may need to contact IT Services for help changing your password. Please see our FAQs for more information.
Use the “Next” button to progress after each page and click “Confirm” in the Declaration section at the end of the process to complete. “Save and Exit” can be pressed at any point to pause the process and return to it later.
Please note that between Step 1 and Step 2 you will have limited access to Student Self Service – the ‘My Student Record’ tab will not be available and you will not be able to update your details or access an Enrolment Certificate until you are fully enrolled.
Step 2)
If this is the first year of your course, your college (or department, if you do not have a college) will need to complete your enrolment at the beginning of term after you arrive in Oxford. They will be in touch about arrangements for this (let them know if you will not be in Oxford for the start of term). Once your college or department has completed their part of the registration process you will be fully enrolled and you will have complete access to Student Self Service, including the downloadable enrolment certificate. If you are an international student they will also have to record your passport and visa/BRP card (if applicable). They may require you to send scans of these and/or present them after arrival – practice will vary. Please check with your college/department if you are unsure.
If you are a continuing student, you will only need to complete Step 1 to finalise your registration and enrolment for this academic year.
Once enrolled, student maintenance loans and grants (where applicable) will be paid directly in to your bank account following the first day of term for your course (allow three to five working days) in addition to any tuition fee loans paid to the University. You are now able to print your enrolment certificate as proof of student status. Please allow 15 minutes for the system to update following your self-registration.
Changes to recording and use of student gender data from Michaelmas 2023:
During the 2023-24 academic year, the University is enhancing the way that student gender data is recorded and used. On (re)registration, you will be asked to confirm your legal sex (in line with legal documents) and title, and invited to provide the gender you identify with, and your pronouns. You can update this information at any time, via Student Self Service.
During Michaelmas term, system upgrades will enable your department and college to see your title and pronouns, making it easier for them to address you how you choose. Further upgrades will allow tutors to see your pronouns, and in Hilary term visibility to fellow students and staff in Canvas will follow. If you have provided text and/or a recording of your name pronunciation, this is scheduled to be available to fellow students and staff in Canvas at some stage during Michaelmas term.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Getting ready for University Student Registration
What are the requirements to register as a new student?
- You must have:
- Accepted your offer of a place
- Met the conditions of your offer (academic and financial)
- Submitted your completed University Card Form
- Received by email your University Single Sign On (SSO) IT details and activated your account. Your Single Sign On (SSO) will be in this format: abcd1234
How quickly do the Card Office process Card Forms?
- The Card Office only processes Card forms in the lead-up to term start. Processing begins in July for Michaelmas starters; in mid-December for Hilary starters, and in April for Trinity term starters.
- You will receive an automated reply if you send your Card Form to the Card Office to acknowledge receipt of your submitted form – during busy periods of processing forms, the Card Office is unlikely to process your Card Form on the same day it is received.
Are there times of the year where access is restricted to Student Self-Service?
- There is a brief period at the end of August each year, where the University database is rolled over to the forthcoming academic year. During this period, it is not possible for students to gain full access or to obtain an Enrolment Certificate from Student Self-Service. Functionality returns on September 1.
I am a new student, why have I not been sent my Single Sign On details from IT Services?
- You need to have returned your signed Card Formin order for your student record, and associated SSO, to be created. Once complete, you will receive by email your SSO login details and activation code from the IT Services Team: ([emailprotected]).
- The Card Office only processes Card forms in the lead-up to term start. Processing begins in July for Michaelmas starters; in mid-December for Hilary starters, and in April for Trinity term starters.
- Check your junk email folder regularly in case.
- Is your email address still valid? If you have changed your email address from the one supplied for admission please contact your College Office, or Departmental Administrator to amend the email address we hold for you.
- If you have previously held a staff or student status at the University before, you may need some additional assistance getting back online for your new course.
- If you have done all this, and the problem persists, then contactStudent Registration.
All of my course mates have already received their SSO and activation code from IT Services, why haven’t I?
- You need to have returned your signed Card Formin order for your student record, and associated SSO, to be created. Once complete, you will receive by email your SSO login details and activation code from the IT Services Team: ([emailprotected]).
- How quickly you will receive your SSO details depends on when you returned your Card Form, and when it was processed by the Card Office, and whether you returned your Card Form during the Card Office’s processing times.
I’ve been a student at Oxford before, and am starting a new course. When can I expect to receive my SSO details?
- The automated email that sends students the SSO activation code does not happen for returning students or for staff since they already have SSOs, which have been activated. The SSO at Oxford is for life and will never change, regardless of changes in status or gaps between periods of enrolment or employment at Oxford.
- Students who have previously completed a course at Oxford need to use their same SSO details, but may need to renew their passwords to use it again if it has expired.Students can renew their passwords here:https://webauth.ox.ac.uk/If you experience any problems with resetting your password, please contact the team at IT Services directly for help: Service Desk on 01865 612345. Calls are usually resolved quicker, but if you are unable to call, you can raise a ticket here:https://help.it.ox.ac.uk/service-desk- if you cannot remember your old password or didn’t set up a security question, you will need to ask them for aRescue Codein order to change your password.
I am/was a member of staff – when will I receive my SSO?
- The automated email that sends students their SSO activation code does not happen for returning students or for staff since they already have SSOs, which have been activated. The SSO at Oxford is for life and will never change, regardless of changes in status or gaps between periods of enrolment or employment at Oxford.Former and current staff will retain their original SSO.
- Unfortunately, the system doesn’t completely realise that the staff record (whether current or historic) and the student record belong to the same individual, andthe two profiles have to be manually merged.
- This is a common problem, but easily resolved: please contact our colleagues in theStudent Systemsteam at[emailprotected]to let them know you have (or have had) both staff and student status and so can’t see the full student view on Student Self Service/eVision, and they will be able to reconcile the two profiles on the system. Once they have done this, you will see the tab for ‘My Student Record’, and will be able to complete your online registration.
I am a returning student (on-course) why can’t I complete my registration?
- Students must register once a year, at the anniversary term in which you started your current course.
- Current students will be prevented from registering if:
- It is not the anniversary term of the start of your current course, for example, if you are a Hilary term starter and you are trying to register during the Michaelmas term registration period. You will be able to access all the pages of Student Self-Service, but you will need to log back in and register at the start of your registration term.
- You are returning from a suspension and the central office is unaware of your return date, or there is a hold against your record.
- Suspension periods run up to the day before the term you are due to return. If you are a Graduate student, you will need to complete aGSO form(GSO.17aReturn from suspension of status) to confirm you are returning from suspension.
- If you are an Undergraduate student, you should get in touch with yourCollege Office(orDepartmental Administratorif you do not have a College) to confirm you are returning from suspension.
- You are not required to register if you are beginning a period of suspension.
Registering with the Disability Advisory Service (DAS)
- Students who are new to the University, or returning students who have acquired a disability since initial registration, are able to inform the Disability and Advisory Service (DAS) about their disability, and register with the service during the annual University Student Registration process. (Outside of the registration window, this information can also be recorded on your Student Self Service by visiting: My Student Record > Check My Details > Disability Information.)
- You are encouraged to tell the University if you have a disability, specific learning difficulty (SpLD) or long-term health condition as early as possible, so that you can benefit more quickly from the full range of support available.
- Please refer to the University page Tell us about your disability for more information, including the requirements for formal evidence which should be provided.
- Should you require further assistance with understanding the process, or about what documentation to provide, please contact the UAS Disability team directly at: [emailprotected] for expert advice.
2. University Student Registration and changes to student status
Will I have to register if I am suspended?
- You are not required to register if you are beginning a period of suspension.
- If your student status is suspended, you will not be able to proceed with your online registration, or generate an enrolment certificate. You will only be able to register after the confirmed end-date of your suspension has passed.
- If you are a Graduate student, you will need to complete aGSO form(GSO.17aReturn from suspension of status) to confirm you are returning from suspension.
- If you are an Undergraduate student, you should get in touch with yourCollege Office(orDepartmental Administratorif you do not have a College) to confirm you are returning from suspension.
I am a continuing student on a study abroad year, do I still need to register?
- Yes, undergraduates on a compulsory year abroad must register.
- Those on an inbuilt optional year abroad should ask their college to be suspended.
- If you are on an optional year abroad (for example, Erasmus) you need to register. Ask your college if you are unsure.
- If you are a graduate student researching abroad your mode of study should be 'Oxford based' not 'Year Abroad'.
I am about to submit / I have had my viva / I am going to submit corrections do I need to register?
- Yes. Until students receive their Leave to Supplicate, they are considered ‘on-course’ for the purposes of registration, even if they have already submitted or had their viva.
- Please do complete your online registration for this academic year. If you’ve already submitted all your assessments and your final project, you wouldn’t normally be required to paycourse feesorcontinuation fees. Please contact your Department directly if you have further questions or concerns about this.
- By registering in your final year, you will ensure that you have 23 months of access to your student records upon completing your course.
3. Common Issues
What do I do if I cannot remember my password or login details?
- You can renew your password here:https://webauth.ox.ac.uk/If you experience any problems with resetting your password, please contact the team at IT Services directly for help: Service Desk on 01865 612345, or you can raise a ticket here:https://help.it.ox.ac.uk/service-desk- if you cannot remember your old password or didn’t set up a security question you will need to ask them for aRescue Codein order to change your password.
How do I log in to Student Self-Service?
- The University’sMulti-Factor Authentication (MFA) for Single-Sign On process requires you to sign in by entering your username with a specific domain as, for example, [emailprotected] (please note the capital letters), rather than, for example, abcd1234 on its own.
- If you have been trying to log in with your email address (firstname.lastname @college or @department), a @said.oxford.edu address, or SBS-specific login details this will not work. Logging in toStudent Self-Service is always done using your SSO.
Why can’t I log in to Student Self-Service?
- Check that you are trying to log in from the Oxford Students website link to Student Self-Service.
- Check that the registration period is open.
- There is a brief period at the end of August each year, where the University database is rolled over to the forthcoming academic year. During this period, it is not possible for students to gain full access or to obtain an Enrolment Certificate from Student Self-Service. Functionality returns on September 1.
- The University’s Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for Single-Sign On process requires you to sign in by entering your username with a specific domain as, for example, [emailprotected] (please note the capital letters), rather than, for example, abcd1234 on its own.
- If you have been trying to log in with your email address, a @said.oxford.edu address, or SBS-specific login details this will not work. Logging in to Student Self-Service is always done using your SSO.
- If it’s a problem with your password, you can renew it here: https://webauth.ox.ac.uk/ If you experience any problems with resetting your password, please contact the team at IT Services directly for help: Service Desk on 01865 612345, or you can raise a ticket here: https://help.it.ox.ac.uk/service-desk - if you cannot remember your old password or didn’t set up a security question you will need to ask them for a Rescue Code in order to change your password.
- If you have Student Self-Service open on multiple browsers or across multiple devices (like on your phone and on a computer browser) it will automatically log you out for security reasons. In that case, log out/close all extra tabs across all devices and try logging in again.
- Try using a different browser, clearing your cookies, or opening an incognito web browser – this will prevent any previous login information from automatic login attempts
- There may be an underlying issue - if you continue to receive a specific error code when attempting to access Student Self Service please let the Student Systems team at[emailprotected] know what it says and they may be able to help.
I keep being logged out “for security reasons”, why is this happening?
- If you have Student Self-Service open on multiple browsers or across multiple devices (like on your phone and on a computer browser) it will automatically log you out for security reasons. In that case, log out/close all extra tabs across all devices and try logging in again.
- Try using a different browser, clearing your cookies, or opening an incognito web browser – this will prevent any previous login information from automatic login attempts
- There may be an underlying issue - if you continue to receive a specific error code when attempting to access Student Self Service please let thetheStudent Systemsteam at[emailprotected]know what it says and they may be able to help.
I have a Microsoft account already, and it is preventing me from accessing my Oxford details. What should I do?
- Try using a different browser, clearing your cookies, or opening an incognito web browser – this will prevent any previous login information from automatic login attempts
”Access Denied” and other error messages
- If you have been trying to log in with your email address (firstname.lastname @college or @department), a @said.oxford.edu address, or SBS-specific login details this will not work. Logging in toStudent Self-Serviceis always done using your SSO, in the format [emailprotected] (please note the capital letters).
- If you have Student Self-Service open on multiple browsers or across multiple devices (like on your phone and on a computer browser) it will automatically log you out for security reasons. In that case, log out/close all extra tabs across all devices and try logging in again.
- Try using a different browser, clearing your cookies, or opening an incognito web browser – this will prevent any previous login information from automatic login attempts
- There may be an underlying issue - if you continue to receive a specific error code when attempting to access Student Self Service please let thetheStudent Systemsteam at[emailprotected]know what it says and they may be able to help.
Why can’t I complete my registration?
- Current students will be prevented from registering if:
- It is not the anniversary term of the start of your current course, for example, if you are a Hilary term starter and you are trying to register during the Michaelmas term registration period. You will be able to access all the pages of Student Self-Service, but you will need to log back in and register at the start of your registration term.
- You are returning from a suspension and the central office is unaware of your return date, or there is a hold against your record.
- You are not required to register if you are beginning a period of suspension.
I completed registration, why have I lost access to “My Student Record”?
- In order to be enrolled on the first year of a new course, your College must first finalise your registration. Between completing your online registration and your College enrolling you, your access within Self Service will be limited (and you will not be able to see ‘My Student Record’ or amend your details). This will open up again once you are marked as ‘enrolled’.
Why can’t I generate an enrolment certificate?
- Once enrolled, you will be able to generate your enrolment certificate directly from your Student Self-Service under “My Student Record” as well as update your phone number and other personal details under “my contact information” at any point during the academic year.
- If it’s your first year of a new course, your enrolment certificate won’t be available to you until you have completed online registration (step 1) and are enrolled by your College (step 2). In future years of your course, you will only need to complete online registration at the start of each academic year.
I’ve registered, but my loans company says I haven’t completed registration
- Student Finance England also refer to a “registration” – but in this instance, this is the process that universities follow to confirm to SFE that a student has enrolled on their course and is eligible to be paid the loan. This is different to your registration with the University of Oxford (although students must complete this – and their formal enrolment if it’s their first year – before the University will send confirmation).
- After colleges/departments have finalised a student’s enrolment, their enrolment will be confirmed with Student Finance: the central University sends this information to SFE on your behalf. If you have questions or concerns about the release of your loans, please contact theUAS Student Fees Team.
4. Your Information
What is the difference between my Single Sign On (SSO) and my email address?
- Your SSO (abcd1234) is a unique number that identifies you, and is the underlying email account associated with your University of Oxford email. An email account is not the same as an email address.
- Email accounts are tied to your underlying SSO. More than one address can be associated with a single account. Individuals with affiliations to both a department and a college can have an email address for each. Typically, students advertise only one of these addresses, but mail addressed to either of them will be delivered to the same mailbox (i.e. abcd1234) on the Nexus365 system.
What is the difference between my Student Number, Card Number, and Candidate Number?
- Student Number:Your Student Number is found on your University card, closest to the photograph and above the expiry date; it is also included in your offer letters (referred to as your ‘applicant number’).
- University Card Number:Your Card Number is the string of digits on your University card that is above the barcode on the right. This number is also used for your Bodleianlibrary account, used to log into SOLO, the ‘Bodleian-Libraries’ Wi-Fi network, and library workstations and computers.
- Your Candidate Number:An individual number is allocated to each candidate as part of the means of ensuring anonymity in Examinations. This number is automatically generated once your University card is processed, but will not appear anywhere on your card, since it used to maintain your anonymity for your exams and submissions. Only key individuals, like your departmental administrator or the team processing exams will be able to link you to your Candidate Number. You can check your Individual Candidate Number in your Exam Timetable, which is accessed on yourStudent Self-Service underMy Exams > Examination Timetable
How do I download my enrolment certificate?
- You can generate your enrolment certificate directly from yourStudent Self-Service under “My Student Record”.
- You should ensure that your term time address is up-to-date on your Student Self-Service (under ‘My Contact Information’) before generating your certificate.
- Please be advised that when used for official purposes, your enrolment certificate should usually be signed and stamped by your College Office (or Departmental Administrator if you do not have a College).
- If it’s your first year of a new course, your enrolment certificate won’t be available to you until you have completed online registration (step 1) and are enrolled by your College (step 2). In future years of your course, you will only need to complete online registration at the start of each academic year in order to generate your enrolment certificate.
Where do I find GSO Forms?
- There are a number ofgraduate formswhich can now only be found on yourStudent Self-ServiceunderMy Student Record>Check My Details>On-course applications. The forms are made available to students depending on the stage of their studies, and can be accessed by expanding the “+” to see the drop-down menus.
- YourGSA(Graduate Studies Administrator) is your primary departmental administrative contact, and will be able to advise you with more authority on any questions you might have about the content of / information needed for the form itself and/or when you can expect to be able to access this form.
What happens with my gender data and pronouns?
During the 2023-24 academic year, the University is enhancing the way that student gender data is recorded and used. On (re)registration, you will be asked to confirm your legal sex (in line with legal documents) and title, and invited to provide the gender you identify with, and your pronouns. You can update this information at any time, via Student Self Service.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Registration
Please find below an overview of the various sections that are covered in your annual registration.
Navigate through the sections and options below for advice on how to answer questions, and whom to contact for assistance with correcting or amending your information.
1. Personal Information
I want to change my social title
- The titles Mr, Miss, Ms, Mrs are social titles and have no legal status; students can choose between: Mr, Miss, Ms, Mrs, NULL (no title), or Mx (a gender-neutral title). You do not need to provide any documentary evidence to support your request, and you may choose any of these options, regardless of your legal sex or preferred gender.
- Please note you may be asked to provide proof for some changes of title not included above.
- To update these fields please contact your College Office (or department , if you do not have a college).
My name does not appear correctly on Student Self Service
- If you change your name while you are a student at Oxford and wish your new name to be recorded in your student record, you must submit a formal request to your College Office (or Department, if you do not have a college) in writing accompanied by documentary evidence of the change of name (original or certified copy). The documentation you will need as proof will depend on your nationality / immigration status. You can find more information on the University page for Name Changes
- If there is an error in your name, please write to your College Office (or Department if you don’t have a College). You will need to show them official proof of how your name should appear when making the request (eg, a scan of your passport or other official documentation).
My date of birth is not correct on Student Self Service
- Please contact your College Office (or Department, if you do not have a college) to have this information corrected. You will need to show them official proof of your correct date of birth when making this request (eg, a scan of your passport or other official documentation).
I want to change what’s recorded for my legal sex
- Your selection must match what's recorded in legal documents such as your birth certificate, passport, Biometric Residence Permit or driving licence, only. Contact the Academic Records Office [emailprotected] if you have a legal sex other than female or male.
Caring responsibilities
- Please select ‘yes’ or ‘no’ from the drop down menus to indicate whether you have any caring responsibilities. The NHS defines a carer as “anyone, including children and adults, who looks after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support. The care they give is unpaid.”
- You are able to choose if you have day-to-day caring responsibilities for another adult, or for a dependent child or children under the age of 18 in the drop down menus available.
Ethnicity (With which ethnic group do you most identify?)
- Please select your ethnicity from the drop-down menu options, or select ‘prefer not to say’ if you do not wish to disclose this information.
Religion (What is your religion or belief?)
- Please select your religion from the drop-down menu, including “no religion” if applicable. Select “any other religion or belief” if no other option matches, or “prefer not to say” if you do not wish to share this information.
Sexual Orientation (What is your sexual orientation?)
- Please select your sexual orientation from the drop-down menu. The available options are dictated by the format required by HESA (Higher Education Statistics Agency), and this information is used for reporting purposes only. If your orientation is not included in the list, please select “other”. Select “prefer not to say” if you do not wish to disclose this information.
Gender Identity (Is your gender identity the same as the gender you were originally assigned at birth?)
- If you identify as a different sex from that which you were assumed to be at birth, please select “no”. If your gender identity accords with the sex you were assumed to be at birth, please select “yes”. The available options are dictated by the format required by HESA (Higher Education Statistics Agency), and this information is used for reporting purposes only, as required by HESA (Higher Education Statistics Agency). Select “prefer not to say” if you do not wish to disclose this information.
2. Contact Information
University of Oxford email address
- Departmental or College suffix: To have the appearance of your e-mail address changed (to reflect your department rather than your college for example) please contact IT Services to request this.
- Preferred names:Students are also able to use their preferred first names on their email address: If you would like to use your preferred name for your email, you can request for help you change both your email address and email sender names, so that it will correctly display your preferences when you are sending and receiving mails. Both of these can be changed by contacting the Central IT Service desk: Service Desk | IT Help (ox.ac.uk) directly. You can find more information on the University page for Name Changes.
Alternative email address
- Please ensure you are using your permanent personal email address as your alternative email address, and not an email from another school or institution that may expire.
Telephone and mobile numbers
- If you are starting a new course and don’t yet have a UK number, please provide the details that are relevant for you at this time. When these details change (and after your enrolment) you can change this information as many times as you need to.
- You can input your current contact number from your home country, and change this once you receive a UK telephone number
Term time Accommodation
- If you are starting a new course and don’t yet have an address in Oxford, please provide the details that are relevant for you at this time. When these details change (and after your enrolment) you can change this information as many times as you need to.
- If you do not know where you will be staying when you arrive in the UK (or if you will be living-in College), you can use the generic address for your College and then update your information when your address details are confirmed.
- If you are living-in College, you will keep the generic address as all post will be delivered to the lodge and then distributed by College staff from there.
Home Address
- Please update your home address details in the fields provided. Your home address is normally a permanent address at which you can be contacted during vacations.
Additional Correspondence Address
- Correspondence will normally be sent to your college (or department if you have no college) but certain items may be sent to this Additional Correspondence Address. If you do not have an additional correspondence address, you can simply repeat your ‘home address’ details here.
3. Trusted Contacts for emergencies
Emergency contacts
- Please provide the full name and contact information for your emergency contact address. In order to proceed, you must provide at least one contact person.
4. Disability Information
Disability Information (Disabilities, including long-term health conditions and specific learning disabilities)
- It is important that you update the disability disclosure field if you have not declared a pre-existing disability, or if you have acquired a disability since initial registration so that the University can ensure you are aware of the support available to you. You may be eligible for study support if you have:
a specific learning difficulty (including dyslexia or dyspraxia)- a long-term health or medical condition
- mobility difficulties
- a sensory impairment
- a mental health condition (including bi-polar and anxiety disorders)
- or are on the autistic spectrum
- Contact the Disability Advisory Service (DAS) for more information.
- You can select “no known disability” if this section does not apply to you
5. Fees and Funding
Fee status
- Student fee status is calculated with the following in mind:
your nationality/nationalities- your immigration status in the UK
- where you have been living (residency)
- and what you have been doing for the three years prior to the start of your course.
- If you would like to see whether your fee status may be reassessed, please complete a fee status questionnaire (available here: https://www.ox.ac.uk/students/fees-funding/fees/status) and return it to the Student Fees Team at: [emailprotected] along with the relevant evidence
Nationality changes
- There is an error in my passport details / I have dual nationality: Please send on a copy of your passport to your College Office (or Department, if you do not have a college) to request for them to add the changes to your nationality records (and (re)confirm with them if you have dual nationalities – or if you have renounced previous nationalities - so they can ensure the correct information on file for you).
- I have more than two nationalities: The underlying nationality fields for student records only allow for dual nationalities. However, your College/Department can assist you with adding your choice for which of your two nationalities are on file.
- If you are concerned about registering to vote without all 3 or more nationalities appearing, you can do this on the government website. Since registering to vote on Student Self Service is purely optional, students can always register to vote outside of Student Self Service at a later point, in the usual way:
Funding Information/ Research Council Status
- If you are a Research Council student and your ESRC/AHRC/MRC information isn’t appearing on Student Self Service yet please do not worry – this will be added later in the year.
How do you fund your course fees?
- This choice is open to the student’s interpretation, and the data entered is used for government statistics. If students are unable to find the exact source of funding we suggest either selecting something which they feel closely matches it, or “other”.
Course Fees: selecting sources of funding
- This choice is open to the student’s interpretation, and the data entered is used for government statistics. Please indicate your sources of funding for your course fees for the current academic year by using the relevant drop-down menus and rounding up to the nearest 10%. Your selections should add up to 100%.
Living costs
- This choice is open to the student’s interpretation, and the data entered is used for government statistics. Please indicate your sources of funding for your living costs for the current academic year by using the relevant drop-down menus and rounding up to the nearest 10%. Your selections should add up to 100%.
- “How much do you expect to cover your living costs this academic year?”Please choose from the drop-down menu the amount you expect to, or estimate you will have to, cover your living costs this academic year.
6. Academic Details
Student Support Number (SSN)
- The Student Support Number (SSN) is assigned by: Student Support Award Authorities (Northern Ireland Library Boards, Welsh Local Authorities, Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS) and Student Loans Company (SLC)). The SSN usually consists of four letters, followed by eight numbers and another letter (e.g. BRMM01234567A) and is quoted on most documents sent to you from the organisations mentioned above.
- This section on Student Self-Service records the Student Support Number for students that are in receipt of statutory student finance (maintenance loans, postgraduate loans) from any of the above authorities listed.
- You will also be able to find your Student Support Number by logging into your student finance account with the relevant organisation. If you cannot find your Student Support Number, you will need to contact your relevant student finance organisation (e.g. Student Finance England/Wales/Northern Ireland or Student Awards Agency Scotland) to find out what it is.
- If you have a number already and it is not listed on your records, please reach out to the UAS Student Funding team directly for further assistance: [emailprotected]
Why does it say I have “No College”?
- Non-matriculated students do not have a College. You may have been given an associate membership through your department or course with a College (which allows for access to social and academic events held by the college during the course of your studies), but are not an enrolled/matriculated member, which is why a College will not appear on your records (i.e. No college).
- For more information about your associate membership, please reach out to your course administrator.
Mode of Attendance
- This section will show your mode of attendance on your course – displaying Full-time or Part-time. If this information does not look right to you, please speak to your departmental administrator
Thesis title change
- If there are any errors with your thesis title listing on Student Self Service please contact your GSA to have these corrected.
- To have your thesis title changed entirely you will need to fill in and submit the GSO.6 form, which can now be found on Student Self Service (after you have registered) under My Student Record/Check My Details/On-course applications.
- If this is your first year of a new course, the information displaying here is what was provided on your application form and is not expected to be your final title at this stage.
Supervisor / Secondary Supervisor / College Advisor Change
- If there are any errors with your supervisor listing on Student Self Service please contact your GSA to have these corrected
- To have your college supervisor updated please contact your college.
Expected/Actual dates: submission, transfer, confirmation
- The expected dates are calculated with maximum times in mind, and refer to the latest point at which students taking your course typically would expect to reach these milestones. These dates are in place to allow for any small delays, and also so that students who are studying here on a visa will not run out of time and/or experience needing to renew their visas at crucial times of their studies. This might not mean that students on your course cannot/do not reach these milestones earlier– only that the University has taken the average maximum time into consideration.
- These dates will change once you progress through your course – an “actual submission date”, an “achieved transfer date”; and “actual end-date" will be entered on your records once these milestones have been reached.
- Please contact your Graduate Studies Administrator (GSA) if you have further questions about this, or believe there to be an error in the dates you are viewing.
7. Study Activity Away from Oxford
Location of any Study Activity
- Please input the details of any planned Study Activity away from Oxford, if this is relevant to your course. This may include a placement (paid or unpaid), exchange, or time studying at a partner venue, either within the UK or abroad. If necessary, you can also amend details of any activity already listed.
- Please leave blank and proceed with your online registration if there are no arrangements in place for Study Activity away from Oxford (this includes if you are studying part-time / remotely).
8. Student Union membership
Current Oxford SU membership status
- Please select your Oxford Student Union (SU) membership status. If you are not a matriculated student, or wish to cancel your membership you are able to cancel (opt out) via the drop-down menu. Choose ‘member’ if you wish to be a member of the student union.
- You can find more information at www.oxfordsu.org or by emailing: [emailprotected].
9. Apply to register to vote
Registering to vote
- Since registering to vote on Student Self Service is purely optional, students can always register to vote outside of Student Self Service at a later point, in the usual way: https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote.
- Students can therefore simply choose to skip the voting section altogether (‘cancel and exit’) and proceed with completing their University registration as normal. You can then register to vote on the government page separately (the government voting registration takes around 5 minutes to complete). You’ll be asked for your National Insurance number (but you can still register if you do not have one, provided that you are eligible to vote).
- You can always check who is eligible to vote on the following links: If you visit the Gov.uk page on Types of Elections, referendums and who can vote you will get an overview of the different voting options, and you can also view the Electoral Commission’s page containing a list of who can register to vote.
National Insurance Number
- If you are a UK citizen or resident, you should have been advised of your National Insurance Number (NI) just before your 16th birthday. It can also be found on student finance forms, pay slips, p60s, and letters about tax, pensions, and benefits.
- Fill in your National Insurance number, or a reason why it cannot be supplied (choose between: I have a National Insurance number, but cannot supply at this time; I have no National Insurance number; or I am not sure if I have a National Insurance number.
- Tick the box to complete the Declaration, and press “next”.
10. Career plans and language skills
Career plans and employability skills
- “Thinking about your career planning, which of the following describes you best?” Please select the option that describes you best, or select ‘prefer not to say’.
- “Which employment sectors are you interested in?” Choose at least one option (includes ‘prefer not to say’), and/or tick as many as apply to you.
Receiving communication from the careers service
- Choose whether you want to receive communication from the careers service about events, sessions and fairs as well as emails about employment of internship opportunities.
- Choose opt in to receive mails. Choose opt out to not receive emails.
Language skills
- Indicate any foreign languages that you speak along with your proficiency level; clicking “add another language” to add more than one language skill.
- Please leave blank and proceed with your online registration if this section does not apply to you.
Key Contacts
Colleges and Departments
For most of your queries, your starting point will be with your College Office or Departmental Administrator.
- You can find the full list of Colleges on the University page:Colleges | University of Oxford
- You can find the full list of Departments on the University page:Departments A-Z | University of Oxford
Students in Colleges and Departments who are experiencing IT or technical issues should contact their Local IT Support team in the first instance.
You can find the full list of Local IT Support teams online, or navigate to the relevant pages by clicking the links below:
- Local College IT Support Staff
- Local Permanent Private Hall (PPH) IT Support Staff
- Local Department IT Support Staff
Graduate Studies Administrators
- As a postgraduate student, the Graduate Studies Administrators (GSAs) are your primary departmental administrative contact.
- GSAs in divisions and departments are responsible for: updating graduate student on-course records; programme transfers; suspension of status (postgraduate students); withdrawals; and research student examinations (thesis titles, examiner appointments, etc).
- Contact the appropriate GSA by using the contact list located on the Oxford Students website:Graduate studies contacts | University of Oxford
Exam Entries, Examinations, Assessments, and Results
- Examination Entries: For questions about entering for your examinations, please contact the Academic Records Office:[emailprotected]
- Mock Exams: For questions about Mock Exam sessions, or any problems with registering for Mock exams on Eventbrite, please contact Examination Administration and Services:[emailprotected]
- OXAM – Past exam papers: For queries about accessing past exam papers (OXAM), please email the team at:[emailprotected]
- Complaints and Academic Appeals: To make a request for review, you should submit a Complaint or Academic Appeal Review Request Form to[emailprotected] within 10 working days of the date of the decision letter on your complaint or appeal.
- For online open book exams technical support only: Please visitOnline exams | University of Oxfordfor technical support.
- All other Exam queries: Please contact your Departmental Administrator or College Office directly to discuss all other exam-related queries, including: your results; Subject Access Requests; exam timetables; marks and feedback; mitigating circ*mstances (MCE) and other exam arrangements.
Certificates, Transcripts, and Verifications
- The Degree Conferrals Office produces degree certificates and degree confirmation letters.
- Electronic documents and questions about using the eDocuments service:[emailprotected]
- Physical Award Documentation (degree certificates and letters):[emailprotected]
- Third Party Reference Requests (verification requests):[emailprotected]
Further IT and Technical Support
- IT Services: can help with email logins;connecting to the Internet; and centrally managedpasswords, accounts, software and licensing.
If your Local IT Team cannot help you, you can contact the service desk here: Service Desk | IT Help (ox.ac.uk) or by calling 01865 (6)12345. - Student Systems: responsible for the direction, development and support of the IT systems that underpin academic administration at Oxford (including Student Self Service).
If you are having trouble with Student Self-Service or are receiving error messages accessing an IT system, you can contact the team by emailing: [emailprotected] or by calling 01865 (2)84848.
Student Fees and Funding
- Supports prospective and current students and the collegiate University on all aspects of fees and funding. Responsible for administration of scholarships and financial support, the management of student fees data, fee status (home/overseas) reassessment; and the provision of information and development of policy relating to all aspects of fees and funding.
- Student Fees queries:[emailprotected]
- Student Funding queries:[emailprotected]
Student Immigration and Visa Compliance
- Supports student visa compliance; provides expert advice/guidance on all student immigration matters.
- Student Immigration:[emailprotected]
- Student Registration:[emailprotected]
- Please contact your CollegeOffice or Departmental Administrator as relevant to request amendments to your student record. If you are on the first year of a new course, your College (or Department, if you do not have a College) will need to finalise your enrolment.
Student Welfare and Support Services
- Student Welfare Services include the Counselling Service, Disability Advisory Service, the Sexual Harassment and Violence Support Service.
- General welfare enquiries:[emailprotected]
- Counselling Service:[emailprotected]
- Sexual Harassment & Violence Support Service:[emailprotected]
- Disability Advisory Service:[emailprotected]
Alumni and Careers
- For questions about Alumni or Associate status, please contact the Alumni Office directly, at:[emailprotected]
- For questions about the Careers Service at the University of Oxford, please contact the team directly, at:[emailprotected]
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