Ruby Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (2024)

Is your wick smoldering? In life, we experience sudden situations that dim our fire and decrease our desire in life. You might feel like losing interest in something you once loved and find less.

Burnout is a natural human experience but never easy to handle. It is possible to remove oneself from that phase where you feel uninterested. This phase may be from experiencing tremendous pain, failures, and suffering, thus feeling like giving up after doing everything to shake off this feeling. Do not give up, not just yet.

The fact that you are here is a sign that there is still hope for you and every one of us. Who does not know and love Ruby? Whether you recently purchased one or plan to buy one, this article will help you learn more about Ruby and how it can ignite your inner flame.

Ruby Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (1)

Ruby Meaning

Ruby is a pretty gemstone with a hexagonal crystal system and granular or massive habits. This crystal is a beautiful stone in deep red color that harnesses life force energy and emanates unwavering passion, power, and protection. Ruby is also the July birthstone and is associated with the zodiac sign of Capricorn.

Ruby crystal fosters joy and passion and can enhance self-love and self-confidence. It is a powerful red stone for healing deep emotional wounds, thus helping you to move on from past hurts and relationships.

It is also a grounding stone that can help you connect with the physical world. Its spiritual energy can help you to overcome any negativity that may be blocking your path.

These precious stones harness life force energy that helps you to let go of the past and get you unstuck by bringing you into the present moment. This natural ruby stone can also benefit your mental health by helping you to relax, enjoy life, and deal with stress. Use it to increase your motivation so things won’t seem so overwhelming and difficult to handle.

If you are looking for a stone that can help you to connect with your inner power and overcome any challenges in your life, Ruby may be the right stone for you!

Ruby Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (2)

Ruby Uses and Benefits

Not just a precious gemstone but is also a healing crystal. Ruby has magnificent healing and supernatural abilities that you can enjoy. This crystal has been used for centuries to help in physical healing, tending to emotional wounds, bringing happiness, and increasing self-love.

Ruby is also a powerful red stone for grounding you in reality, protecting against negativity, and bringing balance back into your life. Ruby stone can be worn as jewelry, used as a decorative item, given as a present or a wedding anniversary gift, or placed on an altar at home to give spiritual protection from outside influences.

Crystal Health Disclaimer

While crystals have been used throughout time to heal medical and emotional ailments, the information in this blog is not to be taken as medical advice. Additionally, you should always follow the advice of medical professionals per their diagnoses. Crystal healing should only be seen as supplemental.

Ruby Physical Uses

If you are not sure what type of healing crystal would suit you best or want more information about how they work, continue reading for more information on the many types of red gemstones and crystals with their meanings and uses!

  • Detoxification

    Ruby is a powerful stone to convey good health. It aids in cleansing the body and can remove toxins or negative energy from your system. If you want to detoxify your body, ruby may be the right choice!

  • Circulatory System

    Ruby can help to improve your circulation by increasing the blood flow and oxygen throughout the body. This crystal healing improves overall vitality, so you feel healthier and happier than ever!

  • Insomnia

    Ruby bears healing properties that can help you get better rest at night. It can be placed next to your bed or under your pillow so that you can soak in its deep red energies while sleeping peacefully through the night!

  • Calming

    Hyperactivity. Ruby is a powerful stone for channeling excess energy and can help you calm down if you are hyperactive. Its healing properties balance energy flow into the physical body so that everything feels right again!

  • Sex Drive

    Natural rubies are powerful precious stones for stimulating your sexuality and can be worn around the neck to draw in sexual partners. Their healing properties optimize fertility and can help you conceive if that is one of your goals!

Ruby Emotional Healing

These precious gemstones also work to improve your emotional well-being through emotional healing. Some of the benefits you can expect to benefit from are the following:

  • Focus

    Ruby is an energizing stone that can be used to increase your motivation. If you are getting bogged down by the little things in life, Ruby can help you overcome obstacles easily! Ruby is a powerful stone for bringing in realistic goals and can help you achieve them more easily. This will give your life more structure and balance, helping you to feel safe and secure!

  • Protection

    Rubies are spiritual stones for protecting yourself from outside influences. They are an extremely protective stone and are an excellent addition to your toolbox for helping to keep yourself and your loved ones safe from harm!

  • Relationships

    Heals emotional wounds. Rubies are powerful stones for helping to heal old emotional injuries. Whether you are looking for a stone that can help you with past relationships, family members, or friends, the ruby stone is an excellent choice!

  • Balance

    Ruby can be worn as jewelry to bring about feelings of security and self-confidence. This will help you feel a sense of balance and harmony in your life to overcome any personal challenges!

  • Joy

    Ruby is a powerful stone for helping people to stay positive. It also increases feelings of self-worth, which can decrease your vulnerability to those who wish you harm!

Ruby Metaphysical Properties

Ruby gemstones also have metaphysical properties that can heighten the meaning of your life and inspire you to have the courage to find the insight needed to speak your truth. Some of the benefits you can receive from wearing rubies include the following:

  • Protection

    Rubies can be worn as jewelry or kept at home to protect you from negative energies. If you are looking for a spiritual stone that will help to protect you from outside influences, this may be the right choice for you! If you are experiencing emotional vampirism in your life, rubies can block this negative energy. If you find that people are trying to drain the life out of you or others, wearing ruby jewelry is a great way to protect yourself!

  • Insight

    Ruby gemstones are also powerful stones for bringing about self-realization. If you wish to find your true purpose in life, this dearly loved stone can help you on your journey!

  • Empowerment

    Ruby is a stone that increases energy levels and courage. It helps the wearer to feel empowered and experience a sense of strength that will allow them to follow their paths fearlessly!

  • Trust

    Ruby is a stone of truth that can help you to see through any deception in your life. It will protect you from anyone who wishes to take advantage of your kindness, allowing you to experience inner serenity!

  • Awareness

    This spiritual stone also stimulates psychic awakening. If you are looking for a stone that can help you to open up your psychic abilities and bring them into the physical world, this is an excellent choice!

  • Business

    Ruby is a stone that has been associated with the divine feminine to help you embrace your leadership abilities. It will allow you to feel supported and confident as a leader, which can increase your business!

  • Self-Confidence

    For women. Rubies are stones used to help women to access their unique power. This powerful gemstone harnesses sexual energy that can help you feel strong and confident, which will naturally allow you to be a better leader!

  • Good Fortune

    Rubies are considered to be stones of good fortune. If you are looking for a stone that will bring more prosperity into your life, this can definitely be an excellent choice!

  • Grounding

    This red gemstone helps in anchoring personal energy to the earth. It harnesses earth energy that helps with rooting mother earth and exchanging life force.

  • Inner Peace

    It reverses all unwanted emotional debris from your system and helps you feel contentment and peace. Ruby brings peace within and restores faith in yourself, thus feeling grateful for everything you have.

Rubies are used to help individuals find their true purpose in life. They will allow you to embrace your power and succeed! This spiritual stone can help you feel safe and secure throughout the ups and downs of life.

It is helpful to use ruby for self-empowerment, as it will allow you to move forward fearlessly! The stone’s energy also assists in removing any feelings of insecurity or negativity from your space so that positive growth can occur.

Ruby Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (3)

Ruby Meditation and Grounding

When using ruby to meditate, it is best to utilize the stone’s energy to amplify your intention and physical manifestation. To do this, select a meditation method you would like to use. Once you have meditation in mind, hold the ruby crystal in your hand and picture a warm spiritual light surrounding it.

Ruby Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (4)

This may be a white or pink color that radiates from the gemstone. Once you see this light filling up the room, state your intentions out loud or write them down on paper if you prefer. Then allow yourself to sit in silence while the light lasts.

Ruby Feng Shui

To benefit from ruby’s feng shui energy, utilize this stone in the northern area of your home or room. If you are using a Bagua map for your home, this is where the Career & Knowledge area is located. Place rubies here to enhance your motivation and help you to move forward in your life!

Ruby Chakra Usage

Ruby harnesses the red ray and is known for stimulating the root or base chakra, or the Muladhara. It is associated with the color red and has several associations with safety and survival.

  • Root Chakra

    Do you feel anxious and fearful all the time? What about feeling disconnected and unfocused? Sure, most of us can feel insecure or worse unsafe from time to time, but if it’s already a persistent occurrence, it might be a sign that your root chakra is out of balance.

To utilize this powerful stone’s ability to clear away any insecurity, select one or more ruby gemstones you would like to use. Once selected, hold each of them in your hands and breathe deeply. Focus on how these natural gems feel in your hands and visualize a red light emitting from them. Once you have completed this process, place the stones around your home or wear them close to your body.

Ruby Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (5)

Types of Rubies

Many types of natural rubies are available in various jewelry and talismans, including ruby rings, necklaces, bracelets, and ruby amulets. Some of the different types of gems include the following:

  1. Ruby Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (6)

    African Ruby

    This is a type of ruby that comes from South Africa. These dark red stones come in a variety of colors.

  2. Ruby Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (7)

    Burmese Ruby

    This is a type of ruby gemstone that originates from Myanmar. It is noted to be very similar to the Burmese sapphire, which can cause confusion when selecting these stones!

  3. Ruby Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (8)

    Star Ruby

    Star Ruby is a type of ruby gemstone that carries an asterism within it. An asterism is when you see a “star-like” light rays effect (or glowing hue) inside the stone! Star ruby builds a spiritual barrier that repels psychic attacks and harmful energies.

  4. Ruby Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (9)

    Kashmir (Alpine) Ruby

    A type of ruby that originates from Kashmir. There are significant ruby deposits from that region. These red gemstones may or may not be heat treated to produce redder stones.

  5. Ruby Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (10)

    Pigeon Blood Ruby

    These stones come from the same region as Kashmir (Alpine) rubies. However, after they are mined and cut, they may be exposed to a mild heat treatment to help produce a more vivid red color.

There are many types of rubies that come in a variety of different colors and sizes. The largest mined ruby is known as the Liberty Bell Ruby and other than diamonds, it was considered the most expensive colored gemstone in existence. That being said, others consider the Sunrise Ruby to be the most valuable.

Ruby Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (11)

Ruby Crystal Combinations

Even before the middle ages, people have been using rubies paired with other gemstones for metaphysical purposes. Pairing stones can unlock greater power or unique abilities.

Other precious stones that work as the best pairings for this expensive gemstone are the following:

  1. Ruby Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (12)Ruby Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (13)


    Combined with the ruby gem, the opal can activate the solar plexus (or third chakra), which is correlated with confidence, willpower, and personal power. This combination is known to help one realize their own self-worth.

  2. Ruby Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (14)Ruby Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (15)


    Green peridots are associated with the fourth chakra (heart), while golden stones are linked to the third chakra. Combined with rubies, both can increase one’s well-being and vitality.

  3. Ruby Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (16)Ruby Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (17)


    This type of yellow gemstone works best when paired with red ruby. Together, they are thought to protect the wearer from illness while also increasing self-confidence and motivation!

  4. Ruby Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (18)Ruby Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (19)

    Rose Quartz

    This pink stone is associated with the heart chakra. Combined with ruby, it can help promote peace and love within the mind, body, and spirit!

  5. Ruby Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (20)Ruby Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (21)

    Pink Sapphire

    This is a type of sapphire gemstone that comes in pink color. When combined with the ruby, pink sapphires can be used to open up one’s heart and allow one to feel more love and joy throughout their life!

  6. Ruby Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (22)Ruby Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (23)


    Pairing blue sapphire and ruby allow your mind and heart to sync, as the higher wisdom of blue sapphire complements ruby. They will enhance your intuition, drive you to make better decisions, and let you discover your soul’s purpose.

Ruby Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (24)

Cleansing and Charging

It is important to cleanse your crystals when you initially bring them into your home, then every 2-4 weeks afterward while they are in use.

  • Salt

    Salt is known for its ability to remove negative energies. To use it to cleanse your own crystals, fill a jar or bowl with sea salt. Place your stones on top of the salt, then cover the bowl with a cloth. Allow the crystals to sit in the jar for a day or two to cleanse the crystals, then carefully remove them. Use a soft cloth or brush to remove any dust. Dispose of the salt.

  • Sun

    While the sun can charge your stones very quickly, you will want to remove the stone from the sun after an hour or two as the sun could discolor your crystals (even those that are sun-safe). You can set your stone outside or on a windowsill to absorb the powerful energy from the heavens. The time you need to charge your crystals will vary, but they can often be ready in just a few minutes.

  • Water

    As long as your stone is not water soluable and is durable enough (3+ on Mohs hardness), you may be able to put it in a bowl of lukewarm water to cleanse and charge the stone. You will want to leave the stone in the water between 2-10 hours (leaving it overnight is a good way to do it). Dry stones with a soft cloth to avoid causing damage to them.

  • Running Water

    Holding a stone in running water for about a minute each can both cleanse and charge many hard stones. Access to a natural spring is always best, but faucets also work as long as the stone can be completely submerged. You can also place them in a fountain to allow the water to run over the stones. Dry with a soft cloth when you remove the stone from the water.

  • Saltwater

    Saltwater is a highly effective method of cleansing and charging certain crystals. Gather saltwater from the ocean in a jar if you live near a beach. Otherwise, mix sea salt into some water. Carefully place your stones into the jar and allow them to soak between 24-48 hours. At that point, carefully remove your stones and pat them off with a soft cloth. Dispose of salt water.

  • Smudging

    Smudging your stones will immediately remove negative energies, so it is important to open a window for them to leave if you are cleansing your crystals indoors. Simply light either used bundled or loose sage with a match then blow out the flame to produce smoke. Wave the stone through the smoke for 30 to 60 seconds to clear bad vibrations. Ensure you use a fire-safe bowl or plate for safety.


In summary, Ruby is a pretty red gemstone. It is trusted and tested throughout generations. It is one of the famous precious gemstones that are part of every one of us, so obtaining this stone gives you plentiful benefits at your whim. You can enhance its powers as well by pairing it with other stones.

Make sure to cleanse and recharge its energy regularly. Its powerful healing and metaphysical energies will ignite your passion in life and propel you to move forward. It will inspire you to do more, love more, andappreciate life even more!

You don’t necessarily need an expensive ruby to unlock its mysticism. Just be sure to avoid artificial rubies.

Ruby Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties Explained (2024)


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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.