Scrabble Word Checker & Dictionary | Check Playable Words (2024)

We have the perfect tool for all you Scrabble® players out there. WordFinder’s Scrabble dictionary is an online tool to find and verify valid Scrabble words. Unlock the competitive edge you need to dominate all of your family and friends when you are playing Scrabble® or Scrabble® GO.

How to Use the Scrabble Dictionary Checker

Our Scrabble solver is powerful and straightforward to use. Find Scrabble words for any in-game situation instantly. WordFinder® was built from the bottom up to serve word gamers. So, when you need to solve the anagram or make sure the word you want to play is actually a playable word, just follow these easy steps.

  1. Type the word you’re hoping to play into the search bar above.

  2. Hit the magnifying glass icon to start the magic.

  3. We will then search our extensive Scrabble dictionary to confirm whether your word is valid or not.

  4. The Scrabble dictionary cheat will also provide a list of other words you can make from those letters.

For advanced options, choose between Scrabble US and Scrabble UK for the corresponding playable word list. One Scrabble dictionary doesn’t yield a higher score than the other. However, the validity of certain words varies between dictionaries for the popular board game.

Our Scrabble word check tool will help with your word game needs and get you out of any game-critical situations.From versatile two letter Scrabble words to bingo-ready seven-letter words, you'll know where you stand.

A Superior Scrabble Word Search

WordFinder’s online Scrabble dictionary isn’t just some other Scrabble word search. It’s more than that. It’s better than that. We’re WordFinder, after all. Our proprietary Scrabble word finder was built using world-class dictionaries, including Webster’s, American Heritage, Wiktionary, and many more. If it’s in the official Scrabble dictionary from Merriam Webster, it’s in here.

When you’re playing a Scrabble tournament using the NASPA Word List (NWL) or Collins Scrabble Words (CSW), a quick check of our Scrabble dictionary can settle any disputes. Playing a casual game with the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary (OSPD)? This tool is excellent for that too.

Our website’s Scrabble dictionary is only one of our available tools and products that you can use to help you win. We also have a word unscrambler you can use to unscramble letters and find Scrabble words to play. Enter your unplayed letters and blank tiles to reveal the highest scoring words possible.

Find Scrabble Words to Win Every Game

Just like our Words With Friends® cheat tool, every WordFinder Scrabble dictionary search result is a guaranteed game-legal word. Rest assured it’ll be in the Hasbro Scrabble dictionary.

Plus, we supply you with the point values for these Scrabble words. Better yet, after you enter your letters into the tool, you can also click on any word to read its definition.

If you’re in need of even more word game help, we also have curated numerous Scrabble word lists you can use to beat your opponent in your next game. Our word lists include words with consonants, vowel words, and Q words with no U. You can also look up words by length. If you only want to see five letter words, you can do that.

More Ways to Use Our Online Scrabble Dictionary

Don’t just use our Scrabble dictionary cheat when you’re stuck. Type in your letter tiles to see which word you can play to get the most points. But, there are even more ways our Scrabble word dictionary can help you beat the competition.

The Final Word on a Scrabble Check

If you are suspicious of another player’s word, check to see if the word they are trying to play is actually a word and not just a word scramble that looks like a real word. A quick Scrabble dictionary check definitively answers whether it’s a valid Scrabble word or not. Use our Scrabble dictionary to decide if they really deserve to rack up those points.

Use Our Dictionary to Go From Scrabble Amateur to Pro

If you need another reason why using our Scrabble word checker is beneficial, we have two words for you: Scrabble tournaments. Scrabble has a worldwide competitive scene, and it only continues to grow in prominence and popularity. Many schools even have Scrabble leagues and tournaments for students to participate in.

To play in these events, you need to be an accomplished Scrabble player. To be an accomplished Scrabble player, you need to practice. Practice makes perfect, and it also helps you memorize every game-winning word. That’s why using our Scrabble dictionary while playing at home is so helpful.

Scrabble Word Checker & Dictionary | Check Playable Words (2024)


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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

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Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.