The 21 Best Crystals For Pisces - That Crystal Site (2024)

Pisces is the 12th sign of the zodiac, represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions.

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Unsurprisingly, Pisces is a water sign, along with Scorpio and Cancer. As a water sign, Pisces is often a very emotional zodiac.

Those born between February 19th and March 20th fall under the Pisces star sign.

The 21 Best Crystals For Pisces - That Crystal Site (1)

This star sign is ruled by the planet Neptune, and the birthstone for this sign is Amethyst.

As with every sign, the birthstone is often the most potent, but there are many crystals that Picces can benefit from.

In this guide, we’ll explore some of the best crystals for Pisces people. We will start with Amethyst and look at crystals like Aquamarine, Moonstone, and Black Onyx.

Pisces Traits

Before we dive into the best crystals for Pisces, let’s take a little bit of time to understand more about this zodiac and who they are.

Pisceans are often described as dreamy, compassionate, and highly intuitive individuals. Their natural element is water, which perfectly symbolizes their fluid, emotional nature.

These water signs are inherently empathetic, often sensing the emotions and needs of those around them, sometimes even before the person themselves are aware.

While their strong intuitive abilities make them exceptional friends and listeners, it can also serve as a double-edged sword.

Pisces can sometimes get overwhelmed by the emotional currents around them, leading them to seek refuge in their rich inner world.

Solitude and introspection are key aspects of their personality, serving as a reset button for their emotional and spiritual well-being.

Creativity often flows like a river through the life of a Pisces, whether it manifests in art, music, or simply an imaginative approach to problem-solving.

Their adaptability allows them to navigate through life’s ups and downs with grace, although they can sometimes struggle with indecisiveness due to their tendency to see all sides of a situation.

In relationships, whether romantic or platonic, Pisces offers a depth of emotional understanding that is hard to match.

However, they also crave the same level of emotional support and understanding in return, making them highly compatible with signs that can offer emotional depth and stability.

We now have a good understanding of the traits of this star sign, so let’s now look at crystals to support Pisces people.

The Pisces Birthstone: Amethyst

As we mentioned earlier, Amethyst is the birthstone for the Pisces zodiac, so this is one of the most powerful crystals that people born under this star sign can work with.

This purple-hued crystal is thought to be highly compatible with the introspective and sensitive nature of those born under this sign.

Amethyst is renowned for its spiritual and calming properties. For the intuitive and dreamy Pisces, this crystal can serve as a grounding force that balances emotional highs and lows.

It offers a stable energy that can help Pisces individuals stay rooted when their natural tendencies might cause them to drift into daydreams or emotional extremes.

The crystal is also believed to stimulate the Third Eye chakra, thus enhancing intuition, a trait often already strong in Pisceans.

This makes it a good match for those who wish to deepen their intuitive abilities or explore their spirituality further.

Another key benefit of Amethyst is its ability to cleanse one’s energy field of negativity. Pisces individuals, known for their empathetic and compassionate natures, can sometimes take on the emotional baggage of others.

Amethyst can act as a shield, helping to dispel accumulated negative energies and offering emotional protection.

This stone is a very popular choice for meditation and relaxation purposes, which aligns well with Piscean’s need for solitude and introspection.

Its calming energy can help ease stress and anxiety, providing a peaceful ambiance for relaxation and contemplation.

And this can also translate to the night – so if you’re a Pisces who struggles to shut off and get a good rest, work with Amethyst to support you in getting a better sleep.

How To Work With Amethyst As A Pisces

Amethyst is a widely available stone and comes in many forms, which makes it a great crystal to work with.

Amethyst can be worn in jewelry – a beneficial method for keeping the crystal close to you all day.

Whether you wear it in a ring, a necklace, earrings, or a bracelet, keeping this crystal on your person will ensure you benefit from its healing energies.

Amethyst is commonly found in tumble stones and in raw crystals, too. You can keep a tumble stone in your pocket if you’re not a fan of wearing jewelry to work with the crystal’s energies.

Pieces of Amethyst can be placed around the home to imbue the area with this stone’s tranquil presence. It’s particularly beneficial to keep this crystal in the bedroom to promote calmness and relaxation.

If you struggle with your sleep, consider placing a tumble stone right next to your bed or under your pillow to help you get better rest.

Other Crystals For Pisces

Amethyst is undoubtedly one of the best crystals for Pisces, but there are so many other crystals that can be supportive.

As we mentioned earlier, Pisces are intuitive and emotional people, and there are many crystals that can help with this.

Let’s explore some of the crystals that resonate well with Pisces below:

1. Blue Lace Agate

Blue Lace Agate is a calming stone that aligns well with Piscean’s need for peace and emotional balance.

Its soothing energies can help ease the sometimes tumultuous emotional landscape that Pisces navigates, offering a sense of tranquility.

2. Aquamarine

Aquamarine resonates closely with Pisces, aiding in emotional balance and clarity.

This crystal amplifies the intuitive and empathic abilities inherent in many Pisceans, making it an ideal choice for enhancing self-awareness.

If you’re a Pisces looking to work on your inherent psychic abilities, working with Aquamarine can really help.

3. Fluorite

Fluorite is a grounding stone, providing an anchor for the often dreamy and introspective Pisces.

Its energies help bring focus and clarity to goals and intentions, making it easier for Pisces to manifest their dreams into reality.

Fluorite is also a great crystal for Capricorns.

4. Moonstone

Moonstone is one of the best crystals for Pisces.

This stone is nearly a perfect match for the Piscean temperament, promoting emotional balance and heightened intuition.

Its reflective and transformative energies harmonize well with the fluid emotional nature of this sign.

This crystal is particularly beneficial for Pisces women.

5. Citrine

Citrine offers a burst of positivity and self-confidence, complementing the Piscean ability to empathize and uplift others.

It also aids in dispelling any lingering negativity, providing a boost in optimism.

If you’re a Pisces in need of an injection of sunshine energy, you can’t do much better than Citrine.

6. Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz acts as a universal healer and amplifier, qualities that are beneficial for the multifaceted Pisces.

This crystal not only enhances their natural intuitive skills but also clears the mind for focused thought and action.

You can pair Clear Quartz with other crystals from this list to amplify the energies.

And, don’t forget, you can also use Clear Quartz to cleanse any other crystals you work with.

7. Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz amplifies the natural compassion and emotional depth of Pisces.

The stone connects with the heart chakra and promotes self-love and emotional healing, helping to balance the often generous but sometimes over-extended emotional nature of this sign.

Rose Quartz also works beautifully with Amethyst if you want to combine Rose Quartz’s ability with your birthstone.

8. Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli enhances the intuitive and psychic abilities inherent in Pisces.

This stone also promotes wisdom and good judgment, assisting Pisces in navigating their rich emotional landscapes.

Hold this crystal against your third eye to feel its full power.

9. Carnelian

Carnelian offers a grounding energy, helping Pisces to find their footing in the physical world.

It can help stimulate creativity and courage, lending an extra layer of resilience to this sensitive sign.

10. Black Onyx

Black Onyx provides protective energy, which can be beneficial for the empathic Pisces.

It aids in the shielding of negative energies and offers grounding, helping Pisces maintain emotional balance.

If you’re feeling a little ungrounded, spend some time with this crystal to recentre yourself.

11. Bloodstone

Bloodstone serves as a grounding and revitalizing stone for Pisces.

It helps to cleanse their aura and fortify their natural altruistic tendencies, offering both emotional and spiritual stamina.

12. Sodalite

Sodalite, much like Lapis Lazuli, complements the intuitive and reflective traits of Pisces.

It aids in deepening insight and encourages rational thought, serving as a balancing element to their emotional intensity.

13. Labradorite

Labradorite is an exceptional stone for Pisces, enhancing their already strong intuitive abilities.

Its transformative nature also aligns well with the Piscean love for change and fluidity.

14. Turquoise

Turquoise is a balancing stone that offers both grounding and elevating qualities.

For Pisces, it aids in aligning all the chakras and provides emotional healing, making it a holistic choice for overall well-being.

This crystal can also benefit Pisceans, who are struggling to communicate their truth.

15. Rhodonite

Rhodonite fosters emotional balance and self-love, offering the nurturing energy that Pisces often give out so freely back to themselves.

It’s an ideal choice for those looking to strengthen their emotional resilience and boost belief in themselves.

16. Lepidolite

Lepidolite brings calming, balancing energies that align closely with Pisces’ natural frequencies.

This stone is ideal for reducing stress and encouraging a smooth emotional flow.

This is a beautiful crystal to keep in the bedroom.

17. Celestite

Celestite complements the Piscean trait of being naturally spiritual and connected to higher realms.

This stone enhances divine communication and can be a bridge to higher states of consciousness.

Meditate with this crystal on your third eye chakra to unlock your abilities.

18. Amazonite

Amazonite aids in balancing masculine and feminine energies, offering a harmonizing effect that is beneficial for Pisces.

It also promotes communication and rational thought, helping to balance the emotional with the intellectual.

Amazonite can be a very supportive crystal when it comes to manifestation, too, helping Pisces to achieve their dreams.

19. Opal

Opal aligns with the imaginative and dreamy nature of Pisces.

It encourages both creativity and introspection, serving as a supportive stone for this water sign.

Opal also serves as a stone of inspiration. Its colorful and dynamic nature can inspire a sense of wonder and creativity, making it an excellent tool for Pisces individuals who are involved in artistic or imaginative endeavors.

20. Sapphire

Sapphire is actually the birthstone for Pisces’ opposite star sign, Virgo, and also works well for this water sign.

This beautiful blue stone enhances the natural wisdom and intuition of Pisces.

Blue Sapphire offers both spiritual insight and mental clarity, making it a strong choice for those seeking a higher perspective.

How To Choose A Crystal

If the array of options has you puzzled, don’t worry, Pisces; we’ve got some guidance to help you make an informed decision.

The first factor to take into account is your intended purpose for using the crystal. Your goal will guide you toward the most suitable crystal for you. For example, if you’re seeking self-love, you will want to work with Rose Quartz.

If you’re in search of a confidence boost or a way to reignite your passion, you might consider working with a stone like Moonstone, which resonates well with Piscean energy.

On the other hand, if your aim is to rid yourself of negativity and let go of unconstructive habits, a crystal such as Amethyst could be a better match.

A good option for those seeking peace and serenity could be a calming stone like Aquamarine, which complements the Piscean predisposition toward tranquility.

When you’re perusing your crystal choices, whether it’s through an online platform or in a brick-and-mortar shop, it can be helpful to pause for a moment.

Take a moment to almost meditate on your options. Close your eyes if you can, take a settling breath, and set your intention on finding the best crystal for you.

You should find yourself called towards one stone in particular.

If you find yourself in a physical store with the ability to handle the crystals, grasping one in your hand can provide further clues as to whether it aligns well with your energies and intentions.

You may feel a warming, tingling, or even just a familiar connection with the right crystal.

When buying crystals, always find reputable sellers offering genuine specimens.

In Summary

For the empathetic and intuitive Pisces, selecting the right crystal can offer an extra layer of spiritual and emotional support.

Unsurprisingly, crystals that align with their water element, such as Aquamarine and Moonstone, often resonate deeply with them.

Aquamarine enhances Pisces’ natural empathic abilities and offers clarity of mind, while Moonstone brings emotional balance and bolsters intuition.

Amethyst, the Pisces birthstone and another favorite, offers grounding and spiritual upliftment, harmonizing perfectly with Pisces’ introspective tendencies.

Fluorite and Carnelian provide an earthy anchor, helping Pisces individuals maintain focus and bring their lofty dreams down to reality.

These stones add a grounding quality, assisting the often dreamy Pisces in tangible goal-setting and realization.

Rose Quartz is almost indispensable, amplifying their natural compassion and encouraging much-needed self-love.

Lapis Lazuli and Labradorite are go-to stones for enhancing intuition and spirituality, which are already strong suits for Pisces.

But let’s not forget about the protective stones like Black Onyx, which are essential for shielding this sensitive sign from negative energies.

For a well-rounded approach, Clear Quartz can act as a universal enhancer, amplifying the properties of other crystals and offering a general well-being boost.

Opal, with its kaleidoscopic hues, not only ignites their imaginative side but also serves as an inspiration, particularly for those engaged in creative ventures.

The best crystals for Pisces offer a blend of emotional balance, intuitive enhancement, and spiritual depth.

When choosing a stone, it’s crucial to consider your specific needs and intentions, but rest assured, there are so many wonderful options for crystals that resonate with this deeply spiritual and complex sign.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Crystal Is Good For A Pisces?

Amethyst, as this sign’s birthstone, is an excellent crystal for Pisces, as it aligns well with their intuitive and emotional nature, offering both grounding and spiritual enhancement.

However, there are so many other crystals that blend well with this sign’s energies – we’ve included lots to choose from above.

What Are The Best Crystals For Pisces Moon?

For those with a Pisces Moon, Aquamarine and Moonstone are highly compatible, aiding in emotional balance and enhancing intuitive abilities.

What Stones Should Pisces Avoid?

Although Pisces can work with any crystal they are drawn towards, they may want to steer clear of overly energizing stones like Red Jasper, which could clash with their naturally sensitive and introspective tendencies.

Can A Pisces Wear Rose Quartz?

Absolutely, Pisces can benefit from wearing Rose Quartz, as it amplifies the sign’s natural empathy and compassion while also promoting self-love.

Can Pisces Wear Moonstone?

Yes, Moonstone is a fantastic option for Pisces, complementing their dreamy and intuitive disposition by enhancing emotional balance and spiritual insight.

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Andrea Daehma

Hi, my name is Andrea Daehma and I have been collecting and using crystals in my everyday life for just over six years now.

I have my own collection of crystals gracing my house, several for every scenario I could think of.

Learning about crystals has truly changed my life, and I want to help others turn their life around too. Please enjoy my website and find your own small stone to begin your crystal journey with!

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